Frequently Asked Questions

Have you got a rental appraisal question that’s not on the list?
Get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

How will my free rental appraisal report be generated?

By simply filling in the required information in our appraisal form, Rental Value will gather market data unique to your property and suburb. One of our local experts will then collate this information into a report and send it to you via email.

Is my rental appraisal report really free?

Rental Value offer this service 100% free of charge for all property owners.

Where does Rental Value get their information from?

Rental Value and its local experts collect information specific to your home to provide you with an overview of your investment property and local area. This data is collected nationally from Australia’s leading authorities and providers which include, but are not limited to, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, RP Data and

How long will it take to receive my report?

Rental Value’s experts will deliver your report to you within one business day of receiving your submission.

Can I use this report to increase my rent?

The information contained in the Rental Value report is to be used as an indication only. Many factors contribute to the price you rent your investment out for including supply and demand, the condition of your property plus what other properties are on offer in surrounding suburbs. We recommend discussing your pricing strategy with your property manager before increasing your rent.

Does Rental Value work in my area?

Rental Value is a South East Queensland focused service with insights on every suburb in Brisbane, Toowoomba, the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast.

Who can I speak to if I have questions about my report?

If you have any questions about your report or would like to discuss how to rent your property, simply reply to the email you receive with your report and a Rental Value expert will be in touch. Otherwise, you can contact the team at [email protected]